Sunday, April 21, 2013

Carnival of Inspirational Lifestyle - First edition

Welcome to the first edition of carnival of inspirational lifestyle. Here are some of the best inspirational and motivational posts received for this edition. Have a nice reading!

Shaun Rosenberg presents 10 Reasons to Bite Off More Then You Can Chew posted at Shaun Rosenberg, saying, "People say you shouldn't bite off more then you can chew. Well sometimes that is the only way to grow. Here are 10 reasons why you should push the limits and try to do more then you think is possible for you to do."

Natalie Haywood presents Quality of Life – Quality of Love | The Relationship Destroyers posted at The Relationship Destroyers, saying, "How are we living? Are we thriving, striving and making decisions that move our lives on an upward swing to progression? Or are we barely doing it, barely making it; and waiting for something good to happen."

Tipsy presents Make The Most Of Each Day posted at tipsywriter.

Jon Rhodes presents How To Instantly Relax In Any Situation posted at HypnoBusters, saying, "This article shows you a wonderful and highly effective technique that helps you relax in any situation. It really does work, and is totally free!"

Gabriel Rocheleau presents 21 Differences Between Winners and Losers posted at Up Development, saying, "A short article that lists 21 things that differentiate winners and losers! :)"

Jana presents How To Uncover Our Intuition posted at Wisdom Ink, saying, "Our intuition is our inner gps that can save us time and money especially on big decisions. Read here to discover how to uncover your intuition."

KimberlyLove presents 5 ways to get your Hakuna Matata posted at KimberlyLove.

Maricon Dacula Sagayno presents Long Distance Relationship : Romantic or Nightmare? posted at Maricon Dacula Blogs.

Darcy presents Ned Flanders Knows The Secrets To Success | FeelingSuccess posted at FeelingSuccess.

Rob Graumans presents The Link between Inspiration and Trying to Grasp Gas | The Young Socrates posted at The Young Socrates.

Jana presents How To Find A Direction In Life posted at Wisdom Ink, saying, "Sometimes our greatest emotional angst is created from the feeling of not having a fulfilling direction in life. Here is how to start feeling for an optimal direction in life, and how to attract it even if you don't know what it is."

Diane Mottl, MSW presents Profound moments… posted at Being Truly Present, saying, "Have you been in that place when life just seems to flow? When you feel so settled within yourself; so in tune with yourself; that doors open all around you? You are deeply questioning something and the answer appears, almost like a gift from the Universe. Have you thought about why those moments happen?"

Mr.CBB presents Money and Finance: Why I Care About Financial Literacy posted at Canadian Budget Binder, saying, "An Inspirational story about how our lives can change if we add an ounce of motivation with a dash of determination. Money and debt are huge concerns all over the world and with lack of understanding it will continue to grow. We need to reach out and share the knowledge of financial literacy in hopes of making this world a better place for us all!"

That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of carnival of inspirational lifestyle using our carnival submission form. Future posts can be found on our blog carnival index page.


  1. Thank you for listing my article on this page. It looks there there are some other pretty interesting articles here.

  2. Hey mate!

    Thanks for featuring my blog post in your carnival and for hosting the carnival! Look forward to the next edition!

    Have a good one!

    Gabriel Rocheleau

  3. Thank you so much for hosting this carnival and including a CBB post. I hope everyone enjoys it. Cheers Mr.CBB

  4. @shaun, Gabriel and canadianbudgetbinder, thanks all for you participation!
